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The Class of 2024 surely excelled in their academics. Their GPA is higher than the Class of 2023, though they did so less honorably — 3.4 percent more of the Class of 2024 reported cheating compared to the Class of 2023. Read more about their academic experience at Princeton.

Over 45 percent of survey respondents reported a 3.8 GPA or higher, averaging higher than an A-minus among all classes taken. 70 percent and 59 percent of respondents who were members of Tower Club and Colonial Club respectively reported having a 3.8 GPA or higher. Just over half of respondents also reported having received at least one A-plus, including almost 60 percent of engineering majors.
Nearly 1 in 5 respondents indicated SEN/SEL was their least favorite distribution requirement to fulfill. The vast majority of the pool — 72.3 percent — will graduate with an A.B. degree. However, that figure varied wildly from eating club to eating club, with as few as 26.6 percent of students in Cloister graduating A.B., and as many as 88.9 percent in Cottage. The lion’s share of respondents, 68.6 percent, never took a graduate level course, and varsity athletes had a lower distribution of SAT scores than their non-varsity peers.
Honor Code
Even with the University’s emphasis on academic integrity, 28.8 percent of the Class of 2024 reported cheating on an assignment or exam during their time at Princeton. 42 percent of seniors indicated that they know of a peer who cheated and decided not to report them. In fact, not a single respondent reported a peer for cheating — a decision that violates the Honor Code. Seniors are also unabashed in their use of AI for schoolwork, as 15.2 percent of respondents reported using ChatGPT on an assignment when it was not allowed.
High School
Of those individuals who received their letters of congratulations back in high school, 49.9 percent were admitted to Princeton during the early action round. 61.2 percent of the Class of 2024 are not graduating alongside a high school peer. However, 27.1 percent have one to two former high school classmates whom they will be graduating with.