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Spelman96: Things will get better. It will be difficult. But that’s half the fun.

alexander894: Do something meaningful and make sure you take time off.

maclean04: Don’t rush — take your time to figure out what you want to do with your life.

BadBulldogs: Enjoy every minute. And don’t worry too much about what other people think.

henry05: Have a continuous growth mindset, and try therapy.

poefield465: Put down your phone and find ways to build a less divisive world.

wawawawawawa: Try as many things as possible when young and in school. Don’t limit yourself to your preconceived notions of what “you want to be.” Spread your wings.

stanhope310: Hard work is still important. While a balanced life is important, when you are working, give it your all.

bowen90: Save democracy, save the world.

Y2KSURVIVOR: You are geniuses, change the world.

blair897: Get married and have kids.

NotABubble48: Work hard to do what is right. Stay humble. Treat others with respect and dignity.

BlairArch: Be passionate, and do what you love.

josephHenry381: Relax, play the long game, keep looking forward, let the wind blow you off course, and enjoy the ride.

rinkydinky200: Lean into your lives.

theLittleCannon42: Keep up your Princeton relationships from school — and cultivate new ones as you’re out in the world. There’s an amazing alumni connection that no other college anywhere has.

Henry05: Network!

tetrisBEAST3: Marry your best friend and have a lot of babies!

iWeezeWeezer: Be kind and a supportive coworker and friend.

nassau37: Walk out of Princeton with a sense of responsibility to others, not pride in yourself.

Einsteinroomie: Work hard, and it will all be fine.

ElmDrive903: Don’t stress, you got this.

fitzrandolph224: Be of service.

ClevelandTower13: Don’t sweat it.

peyton67: Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, even big ones. There is always something to learn and a way to grow as you take lessons from your mistakes.

pikapikaCHU: Do what you love, and don’t worry about money.

fine32: Life happens — don’t be so type A that you think you can plan everything out. Be open to change and risk. You’re a Tiger — you have yourself and your gifts to fall back upon.

pyne78: Make time for your personal life.

murrayDodge29: Trust your gut, don’t be afraid, take risks — you have so much time to course correct if you make a “mistake” — and stay curious.

cannongreen555: Never be afraid to decide that your path is no longer the one you’re meant to be on. Embrace change.

FacultyRoad234: Relax and enjoy the ride! Relationships are more important than work.

eastpyne202: You can plan all you want, but life can (and likely will) take you in directions you never expected!

procter678: It really isn’t a race. Don’t compare yourself to others because everyone is different. Find what fulfills you and do it well.

AlexanderStreet375: Never stop pursuing your dreams.

RECALLtheJACKETS: Follow your curiosity and lean into hard work.

McCosh107: Find a good mentor and strive to exceed their excellence.

ByeDeansDate: You’re all you’ve got, but you’re enough.

gobroncos: Never forget that physics governs nature, and nature governs culture, although we would often like to believe the opposite.

bentspoon23: Enjoy the years before life becomes harder and more challenges arise. Travel, find passions, and explore.

UniversityPlace34: Explore and enjoy.

thequingler: Take advantage of Princeton networks.

nassau102: Pursue your passion; appreciate friends and loved ones; demonstrate curiosity in the world around you.

CampusClub4eva: Do something you love and spend more time keeping in touch with people you care about.

middlegater: Trust yourself.

Campbell030: Enjoy every second. Try all the things. Love your friends and family dearly. Be open to new experiences and ideas.

JACKETGATE: Be the right kind of person to your family and friends.

bloomberg62: Stay in touch with your classmates after you graduate — come back to reunions as often as you can!

WashingtonRoad003: Pick good mentors.

FirestoneLibrary999: Never stop learning.

lockhart254: Hold onto your dreams. Be patient. You can’t teach life, you have to experience it.

theOvalwith2Points: Investigate the claims of the major world religions and seek truth and love.

ArtMuseum82: Go to work. Interact in person if possible.

TigerInn69: Learn, adapt, and break the rules.

BestiePresShapiro: Bravery is currency. Get outside your comfort zone. NOW.

AlexanderHall: To do good and fulfill the mission to serve humanity.

prospectGarden321: Money isn’t everything.

ProspectAvenue473: Happiness has nothing to do with your achievements and everything to do with aligning your time and energy to your core values.

foulke34: Follow your dreams. But for real. The money will work itself out.

witherspoonhall121: Don’t sweat the small stuff! No need to have life all figured out. Take opportunities as they come, yet don’t be afraid to walk away from what no longer serves you.

backinmyday: Embrace failure.

foulke189: Whatever you do for your career path, please support the arts and education — these are the foundations of a better, more just society.

lakeCarnegie990: Exercise more.

coolMAEmajor99: Do what you love, regardless of how much it pays or how difficult it might be to get your foot in the door.

OAsurvivorPalmerSquareOnTopguyotdinorawr: Let go of ambition, focus on your happiness, and live one joyful moment at a time!

BeatJoeBruin: Try not to be in a position of having to apologize to the next generation. Like we are.

DROUGHT99: Comparison is the thief of joy and putting in the work at the beginning really does pay off.

corwin190: Embrace the challenges that you meet moving forward!

tigertigertiger: Be calm, be brave, it will be okay.

wilson200: Run your own race and ignore the distractions of all the other races going on around you. Pursue your passion.

bonfire1994: Be open to taking risks. Have fun.

jocks4rocks: Be present today and enjoy the now. Try not to worry too much about the future.

PRaider: Life is not linear.

tigers99: For women, don’t be intimidated by men. Go for it. You are just as smart, and people want to hear from you.

Henryhouse123: Take the time — play the long game — to figure out who you truly are. Be faithful to what makes you unique more than chasing other people’s definition of success.

jadwin70: Be happy with yourself, work, and success will follow.

quad4L1f3: Travel and take advantage of the time right after graduation when your responsibilities are not as great.

richardson976: Don’t be afraid to fail. And work hard!

DialLodge353: Relax and take your time.

equad032: Be brave enough not to conform to the expectations of others. There’s a joy in embracing the good weirdness in all of us.

tiger99: Be humble and be bold. That’s a winning combination.

WitherspoonHall100: Be humble and respect others. Find joy in everyday life. Find people you love being around and stick with them. And don’t sweat the small stuff — it’s not worth it.

clio08: The main question to ask yourself is whether you are becoming a more loving person.

green873: Enjoy the amazing adventure you have ahead of you — you only get to do it once, so live it up and don’t be afraid!

woolworth183: Be who you want to be, not who everyone expects you to be, and never do anything just for the money.

guyot909: Don’t sell yourself short.

quAdz1lla: Be kind, for real.

sweetthomas62: Don’t feel too old too fast.

matherSundial23: Life is long — be adventurous!

Atthestone247: Take a breath. Life is long and you will make a lot of mistakes. Learn from them. Laugh at yourself. Remember that the perfect is the enemy of the good and that your goals will change.

rockefeller1273: Own your future.

p0ngChamp52: It’s ok if your goals in life change. Do what makes you happy!

songOfTheVowels: Be open to change.

MatheyMoose23: Get to know yourself and what you want from the world, and worry less about what you think the world wants from you.

ClassOf1999: Don’t compare your inside to someone else’s outside.

blairwitch411: Service, service, service.

McCarter530: Stay connected.

DontTAkemEtoMcC0sh: Follow your heart.

little250: Continue to nurture your Princeton relationships; they are a real gift.

dickinson903: Trust that you are stronger and more open to new ideas than you might think you are in times of greatest stress. Help the world be a better place.

brown248: Find your passion.

spongiesquare: Choose your work/next steps based on being around great people and great mentors.

dillon47: Take time in the early years to figure out what lights you up. There is no time like the present!

WilliamStreet23: Learn to separate yourself from the digital tools and devices that surround us now. Not permanently, but regularly and intentionally.

whig07: Life is meant to be an adventure.

Spelman96: If someone offers an opportunity — give it a try.

alexander894: Don’t follow the herd into banking, consulting, or the other few careers based solely on making money that so many people focus on. There are more important things.

maclean04: Find a career you love and don’t worry too much about the money. You’re a Princeton grad; if you live within your means, you can always have enough.

We asked the Class of 1999 to share their advice.