12.7 percent of respondents identified themselves as international students. Although 33 different countries are represented by the survey’s respondents, over ⅕ reported that their home is in Canada. 15.6 percent of domestic students hail from New Jersey.
Respondents were more white and female than the overall class:
52.8 percent of respondents identified as white, higher than the 44 percent reported
by the University, although the University’s statistics count all mixed-race students as
people of color. Similarly, 55.7 percent of survey respondents identified themselves as
female, while only 52
percent of the whole class identified as female upon entering Princeton.
Survey respondents were overwhelmingly non-religious, with over 65 percent describing
themselves as “not at all religious” or “not very religious.” Students were also overall
left-leaning, with over 60 percent describing themselves as “somewhat liberal” or “very
liberal,”, and over 17 percent describing themselves as “leftist/socialist.” Additionally,
17 percent of respondents are first-generation college students and 65.1 percent identify as
straight, both declines from last year’s senior survey
The Class of 2023’s parents are overwhelmingly highly educated,
with almost 70 percent of respondents’ parents holding a master’s degree, professional
degree, or doctorate — significantly more educated than the United States as a whole, where
percent of people hold a master's degree or higher. Princeton families are also
wealthier than the median American family, which has an income of $91,162
– 49 percent of respondents stated their household income as $125K or above. Of the eleven
eating clubs, Cottage and Cloister have the wealthiest seniors, with over 30 percent of
respondents in each club reporting a family income above $500,000 and no seniors in Cloister
reporting a family income below $40,000.
Nearly a quarter (21.4 percent) of survey respondents are legacy students. 13 percent of the
respondents had parents who are alumni, while Princeton reported
that 11 percent of the admitted class were children of alumni. Additionally, just over 60
percent of seniors receive some amount of University financial aid, with just under a
quarter receiving full financial aid. Students on partial financial aid are more likely to
take out loans than their peers on full financial aid or no financial aid.